We wanted to do a little follow up with our smallest Low Cost Bins fan - Orion. Our team at Low Cost Bins recently surprised Orion with a visit from his favourite driver Garry and gave him a few cool surprises. Here is a bit of an update on their story.
Last year we received a message from a long-term customer expressing her gratitude for our driver Garry:
"I want to message in and comment on the amazing, lovely, friendly, and kind service our regular bin man (Garry). I have a nearly 3-year-old toddler that is autistic and has very limited vocab. He is absolutely obsessed with “dump trucks” and can hear a dump truck coming from a mile away.
Every Tuesday morning, bang on time, your truly lovely driver pulls into the street. He waves us by as he collects us from the opposite side of the road, and when he returns, he stops for just a couple of moments. He greets us and has come to learn my son's name, asks him how his morning is going, and shows him how the bin goes into the big dump truck and eats all the trash.
This simple act of kindness may mean nothing to most, but to me and to my son, it means the world. It's a moment he waits for every week, and without fail, he won't miss. He is truly a kind and good man, I thought it was important for whoever needs to know that he brightens our cold winter Tuesday mornings."
After almost a year, Garry and Orion have formed a special bond, so we thought we'd surprise our littlest Low Cost Bins Customer with a few presents, and play around in the truck. It's been an awesome opportunity to give back to our community and support a family that genuinely adds value to our driver's week. Congrats to the Low Cost Bins team for going the extra mile for our smallest fan.